Thursday, June 17, 2010

Family Fun Day 2010

Yesterday, June 16, we attended the annual "Family Fun Day" that Auburn University puts on for its employees. The event is hosted at the President's home. We had a lot of fun, but it was very hot! We stood in line to have Alexis and Alec's face painted. This lady did a great job as you can see from the pics below. Of course, we had to find Aubie...what is an Auburn event without Aubie. The kids played games, went on the slide and jumped in the inflatable bouncey. We enjoyed hamburgers, hotdogs, and ice-cream. When I said it was time to go, I didn't hear a complaint from Alexis or Alec because it was so hot. It was a great day for all. Bill wasn't able to join us because he was on a business trip to Texas. We missed him a lot!

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